Vacuum Cleaner, a tool for cleaning

 When you use broomstick or mop to clean the house, we would have faced the problem of cleaning every nook and corner of the house. Particularly dust collected in bed, sofa crevice, carpets, etc. will be difficult to clean. Vacuum cleaner is a boon in this direction. You can not only clean the dust in the floors and walls, but also clean every nook and corner without leaving any dust.

How it works.

A fan inside the vacuum cleaner pulls in air. This causes a vacuum which is responsible for pulling in dust and other fine particles inside the machine which then gets collected in a bag in the machine.


·       You can use it to clean dust and fine particles which otherwise do not get cleaned by normal cleaning.

·       You can use it to clean different areas in the house like corners, carpets, crevice, sofa, bed, cars and almost many things.

·       It is easy to clean and also saves time.

·       Benefit derived from the machine is worthwhile for its cost.

·       Some vacuum cleaner comes with various types of attachments for different cleaning purpose.


·       Sometimes due to its size it is difficult to carry it to different places in the house.

·       Exercise obtained from cleaning with broomstick is not present. Little health benefit obtained from old method of cleaning is gone.

·       It uses electricity and heavy use of the machine increases your electric bill.

·       It makes noise which could be irritating.

Different kinds.

1.  Canister cleaner: - It is stick type attachment attached to a cylinder. It can be used for multipurpose cleaning.

2.  Upright cleaners: - As the name suggests it is upright in position. It is a popular type.

3.  Robotic cleaner: -It works based on the instructions provided to it.

4.  Handheld cleaner: - You can carry it in your hand and can work around on stairs, cars etc. It is flexible and low cost.

     Characteristics you should look for in a cleaner.

a.  It should be compact and light weight. This will be of help in carrying and moving around. The availability of dragging wheels will be a helpful factor.

b.  Kinds of attachment to nozzle which is provided should be seen. This will help in cleaning different kinds of areas.

c.   Motor should provide strong suction power to pull different kinds of particles. The particles may include dust, hairs, fine particles etc.

d.  Capacity of the dust container has to be considered. This will help in holding or collecting sufficient dust and other particles. It should also provide for clean removal of dust bags so that the dust collected do not pollute the atmosphere.

e.  Warranty period should be sufficient. A 2-year warranty is good deal.

f.    Air filter system should be good one so that the exhaust air is pure and free from pollutants.

g.  It should produce low sound when operating.

